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Free & Premium Vulnerability Scanning

Manage Vulnerabilities, Discover IT assets, Scan Web Apps, Inventory Cloud Assets.

Experience hassle-free and cost-effective penetration testing for an array of compiance standards!

Premium Infrastructure Scanner Dashboard


Discover your IT assets and their vulnerabilities, identify compliance gaps and get detailed reports using the industry’s most accurate and comprehensive security assessment tools. 

We handle the entire Web, Application, Infrastructure, and API Penetration Testing process, from scoping, to final report delivery, and remediation planning. Book a Free Consultation

Free External (DAST) Scanning

We offer free and premium external vulnerability scanners (DAST) to all of our penetration testing clients.

Cloud Security Monitoring

Through our platform, we deliver free and premium cloud security posture monitoring to all pen testing clients.

Infrastructure Scanning

Comprehensive online Risk-Based Vulnerability Management, Patching and EDR solution.

Premium Asset Management Dashboard

Technical Details

Compliance Frameworks

External network, web, application, and API – Vulnerability Scanning is essential for all compliance frameworks (ISO 27001, SOC 2, PCI DSS, NIST, HITRUST, etc.). Our VM scanners reporting options not only help you meet your compliance requirements and satisfy your auditing team but also enhance your security posture, benefiting your organization and clients.

Compliance frameworks:

Scanner Features Overview


Exceptional Cost Savings

Typically, it's 3-5 times more cost-effective than similar solutions. Reduce management overhead by using a single dashboard for your penetration testing and vulnerability scanning!

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OWASP Top 10

Assessments for the entirety of the OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks.


Reduce Noise

Save up to 80% of your engineering resources by focusing on actual vulnerabilities, instead of chasing noise!

Thorough Compliance Reporting

Test reports showing compliance with SOC 2, ISO 27001, OWASP Top 10 and CIS.

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Integrate with your environment

Integrate and connect directly with your current GRC platform.

Elevated Cloud Security

Enhance your security posture with a cloud security posture monitoring module. Scan all of your cloud infrastructure in: AWS, GCP and Azure.

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24x7 Instant Notifications

Link your task management and messaging platforms to address issues using your existing tools.

US Based Experts

We provide free support and assistance exclusively conducted by US-based engineers.

Infrastructure Scanner & EDR
Features Overview


Exceptional Cost Savings

Typically, it's 2-3 times more cost-effective than comparable solutions. Consolidate Vulnerability Management, Patching and EDR in 1 solution.

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Global Asset Manager

Know all assets on-prem or cloud, and classify them based OS, application and 100+ attributes.


Threat Detection

Detect critical threats up to 5x faster by leveraging Risk-Based Prioritization using 25+ threat intelligence feeds.

Automated Vulnerability Assessment, and Remediation

Automatically detect vulnerabilities in real time. Leverage auto patching to extend remediation and patch vulnerabilities up to 40% faster than other solutions.

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Protection Against Ransomware

Automatically block malware and ransomware infections. Set and forget patching to automatically remediate ransomware, and malware exploitable vulnerabilities.

All in One Solution

Consolidate IT and Security Tools for vulnerability assessment, remediation and ransomware protection

Thorough Reporting

Detailed reports meet the requirements for SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, GDPR, HITRUST.

US Based Experts

We provide free support and assistance exclusively conducted by US-based engineers.

Maximize Your ROI through intelligent Vulnerability Management:


100% Guarantee, 5 Stars Service


Amanda Johnson,

CTO, Ecommerce startup


As a burgeoning e-commerce company, the security of our customer data is our top priority. The team at Prodigy 13 provided us with an incredibly thorough and professional penetration testing service. Their insights and recommendations were invaluable in strengthening our security posture. Their expertise, combined with outstanding customer service, makes them an indispensable partner in our security strategy.


Dr. Rajesh Kumar,

Founder & CEO, Healthcare provider


Navigating compliance requirements was a daunting task for our healthcare startup. Prodigy 13 not only pinpointed our system vulnerabilities with pinpoint accuracy but also adeptly guided us through the compliance process. The remediation support and follow-up services they provided were beyond our expectations. Our partnership with them is certainly one of the best business decisions we’ve made.


Maria Rodriguez,

CIO, Fintech bank


We were looking for a penetration testing service that could handle the complexity and scale of our financial services network. Prodigy 13 exceeded our expectations in every aspect. Their meticulous attention to detail, coupled with cutting-edge testing methodologies, resulted in a comprehensive and actionable report. The level of expertise and professionalism they brought to the table was exemplary. I can confidently recommend them for any organization that takes security seriously.

Sign-up for a Free Account / Trial

Sign up for a Free Account / Trial, we will get back to you within 24 hours with the account details. You can also schedule a free consultation to learn more.


Vulnerability scanning is an automated process to identify known vulnerabilities in systems and applications. Penetration testing, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive and manual approach that simulates real-world attacks to identify both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

Initial account activation for most of our plans is less than 24 hours. You can start scanning immediately after your plan gets activated.

You can rely on our vulnerability scanning to meet all of your certification and audit requirements including: SOC 2, ISO 27001, NIST, HIPAA, HITRUST, PCI DSS, GDPR, CCPA, FedRamp, and SOX.

The frequency of the scanning depends on various factors such as the complexity of your infrastructure, compliance requirements, and the sensitivity of the data you handle. Generally, it is recommended to perform a Vulnerability Scan at least monthly. 

We provide Vulnerability Management solutions for a diverse range of industries. Our experts are well-versed in various compliance frameworks, making us adept at catering to the unique needs and regulations of different sectors.

Vulnerability Management is a requirement for various compliance frameworks such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. 

Absolutely! We offer specialized cloud security and vulnerability management services that will test your cloud environment.

To get started, reach out to us through the Book a Consultation or our quick sign up form. Our team of experts will be happy to discuss your requirements and guide you through the process.


shallow focus photography of computer codes

A Deep Dive into Black Box Penetration Testing

Black box penetration testing is a method where testers evaluate the security of a network or system without any prior knowledge of its internal workings. This method closely simulates a real-world attack, as attackers usually do not have insider information.

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